Thursday, June 4, 2009

Lets Go Fly A Kite

Dallin got these kites a while back, so for one FHE we attempted to go fly them at the park. Although we didn't really get them up too well (the wind kept dying just as we would get it going), the kids still enjoyed it. Kaia ran her little heart out several times (my camera wasn't fast enough to catch her), would get tuckered out and catch her breath for 30 seconds, then be ready to try it again. Talmage wouldn't let go of his kite's tail so Dallin had to just hold up the kite and let Talmage trot along behind him. After a few minutes of that, the kids were both ready to go play on the jungle gym. Simple pleasures.


Unknown said...

It's so fun to see pictures of them! Hopefull we'll be able to get together soon. I miss Kaia and Talmadge, but I haven't seen Kaia in soooo long! We miss you guys, too :)

Christine said...

A great family idea!! We need to go try it!