Sunday, February 22, 2009

Christmas Day

Christmas Day was wonderful. I'm not sure what time everyone else's kids wake up and/or what time families start opening presents, but since I have always slept in on Christmas morning I'm not too keen on changing that now that I have kids of my own. Lest you think we are terrible, mean parents, the kids are free to get up at any time they want and can get into their stockings. However, presents have to wait until Mom wakes up and then makes breakfast (a fancy one of course), because we all know that "if Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy" and Mama's not happy without a good night sleep and a full belly. Well, at least I'll just have to see how long I can slide this idea past my children. I'm guessing my days are numbered. Oh well, I thoroughly enjoyed it this year. Obviously, the kids had a great time too.


Betsy said...

You're kids are looking bigger to me already! It hasn't been that long since we saw them. Thanks for the update. Sounds like you've been busy. Hooray for that light at the end of the tunnel!

Amy {The Idea Room} said...

Sounds like you had a great Christmas together. It is always interesting trying to juggle two sets of traditions but it sounds like you cam up with some great solutions! The kids are too cute! By the way...I want those orange rolls recipe. Those made my water water wven with the finger holes! You got your momma's skillz!

Amy {The Idea Room} said...

Oh...THis is Amy...I changed our user name! :)

Suzy Farar said...

It looks and sounds like you guys had a fun Christmas. You guys have been missed, but sounds like you've been doing well!